Making Sweden 5% nerdier than it has to be.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A most epic and entertaining journey deserving of a tribute

When you've been reading superhero comics for as long as I have it's almost inevitable that you'll get a bit jaded about the whole thing.

You think, a bit conceitedly, that - "There are only so many stories you can tell about men and women fighting crime with superpowers while wearing tights.". And while it's true that a lot of the stories throughout the decade share many of the same beats that doesn't mean that all superhero comics are just repeating themselves or that they're doing a bad job. But sometimes you just want something a bit more fresh, in lack of a better term. Just something that stands out a bit from the usual stuff and gives some variety oto your monthly reading.

For me personally that comic is the ongoing comic called Journey into Mystery (JiM) written by Kieron Gillen and publish by Marvel comics. So now, let's go for the obligatory pic before going into the background for the series.

Monday, January 30, 2012

A severe case of event fatigue

The first month of the new year is coming to a close. That naturally means that it's time to over-think stuff that's going to come out in the summer. For your average comic book buying Marvel zombie (I will never why any fan would call themselves that) that means it's time to buy this year's company crossover event comic and all the tie ins they can afford. That would be the case for me at least if the event fatigue had gotten a solid grip on me.

...I should probably explain a few things here.